Record rainfalls have hit parts of the country and flooding has taken its toll on vehicles. Thousands of cars, trucks, and SUVs have been damaged by floods and 60 Minute Tune recommends that car owners in those areas check their vehicles for signs of water intrusion or contamination.
Water damage from a flood can unknowingly cause problems that will be costly to fix down the road. Flood vehicles can also be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. We have included the following suggestions to check out the health of your vehicle.
- Take the sniff test. Close all the windows and doors and let the car sit for about five minutes then crack open a door and sniff. Mildew and mold have very distinctive smells and it doesn’t take long for that smell to present itself.
- Try the touch test. Get some paper towels and press them against the low spots on the carpet. The paper towels will draw the moisture out and reveal if the carpet is wet under the surface. Some carpets can be several inches thick to insulate from heat and sound. If the paper towel becomes wet it could mean water has gotten into the car.
- Investigate the interior.Look under the seats and dash for corrosion and rust and look for exposed metal that is untreated. There are metal springs under the front seats that are usually not painted. If they are rusted that is a sign the interior has been wet. Look for mud and debris in places it does not belong.
- Inspect the instrument panel. Turn on the key and perform a bulb test. Make sure every bulb lights up. If a system has an issue, removing the warning bulb can hide it. Many times vehicles that have flooded have malfunctions in their anti-brake and airbag systems. Ensuring the light comes on and then goes out after the bulb test is an indicator that the system is on and has no active faults.
- Take it to a professional.Let a service and repair technician inspect your vehicle. They can raise the car and look underneath to see if there is any mud, sticks or rocks in the suspension. A professional can check the oil in the differentials to make sure they contain no water in them. Spend a few dollars to have it looked over to give you peace of mind.
Stop by 60 Minute Tune, located at 11920 Balboa Blvd., Granada Hills, CA 91344 for all of your automotive needs.